Sending Power Wirelessly and the Revolution it can Enable

Blog #22


Time To Read : 12 Min

Safety concerns are often the primary deterrent when it comes to adopting new technology. This holds true for wireless charging more so, with apprehensions about potential health hazards and device damage holding back mainstream acceptance. However, these worries have been thoroughly addressed in my recent podcast episode with the VP of Sales, Kurt Weber, from Wi-Charge, a leading pioneer in long-range wireless charging using infrared technology. If you’re looking for a deeper discussion about these safety issues, I strongly recommend giving it a listen. In this article, we’ll proceed with the understanding that these safety concerns have been addressed and focus instead on the enabling aspects of this transformative technology.

We delved deep into Wi-Charge’s work during the podcast, discussing applications, challenges, and envisioning the future of wireless charging. Two applications that stood out were in retail and smart lock technologies. If you’re interested in a deep dive into these areas, check out the episode, as they were thoroughly explored in the discussion. But there are many other sectors that can be looked at further, but first a quick recap of what wireless charging is. 

Unpacking Wireless Charging

Wireless charging is a groundbreaking technology that enables power transfer from a source to an electronic device without any physical connection. Primarily achieved through resonant inductive coupling, this method uses magnetic fields to transfer energy between two objects. Wi-Charge has taken this concept to a new level, creating long-range wireless power solutions using infrared beams, and already has real world applications that are in use. 

Wireless charging has become a standard feature for a myriad of consumer electronics. Mobile phones, smartwatches, and earbuds are some of the most common devices that currently benefit from this technology. Additionally, certain furniture and car models come equipped with built-in wireless charging capabilities. Yet, this is merely the tip of the iceberg. The current applications of wireless charging provide a glimpse into an even more promising future that can be enabled through this fascinating technology. 

Exploring the Industries that Wireless Charging can Enable

1. Smart Homes

Wireless charging technology could be the next giant leap for smart homes. Today, most smart home devices, such as security cameras, thermostats, and smart locks, rely on batteries or wired connections for power. Wireless charging could render these traditional methods obsolete, enabling uninterrupted operation of devices without the need for constant battery replacements or tethering to power outlets. Imagine never having to worry about your home security camera or smart lock failing due to a drained battery. Additionally, wireless power could give rise to new categories of smart home devices that were previously infeasible due to power constraints. Furthermore, it could declutter homes by eliminating the tangle of charging cables and enhance the aesthetics of smart home setups, blending technology more seamlessly into our living environments.

2. Factories and Warehouses

In factories and warehouses, wireless charging could redefine operational efficiency. Autonomous robots, forklifts, and other machinery that typically need to pause operations for charging could function near-continuously, minimizing downtime, and boosting productivity significantly. Imagine production lines that run round-the-clock, with robots that never need to step off the line for charging. Wireless charging could also revolutionize inventory management by powering IoT sensors and devices that monitor and track goods, leading to greater accuracy and efficiency. Moreover, the elimination of power cables on the floor could lead to safer work environments and reduce accidents.

3. Electric Vehicles (EV)

Wireless charging has the potential to disrupt the electric vehicle (EV) industry in a significant way. By embedding charging technology into roadways, electric cars could theoretically be charged on the go, addressing the common ‘range anxiety’ concern among EV users. This could enable EVs to embark on longer trips without worrying about charging station availability, promoting a stress-free driving experience. This convenience factor, coupled with the environmental benefits, could help drive widespread adoption of EVs. Moreover, wireless charging could open up new design possibilities for EV manufacturers, freeing them from the constraints of having to incorporate bulky charging ports.

4. Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality (AR/VR)

In the world of AR/VR, the applications of wireless charging are enormous. Today, the immersive experience of AR/VR is often interrupted by the need to recharge devices. With wireless charging, headsets could offer continuous operation, ensuring an uninterrupted experience, which is crucial for gaming and educational sessions. In training simulations, where session duration and immersion can be crucial for the effectiveness of the program, this could allow for longer and more in-depth sessions. Furthermore, removing the need for heavy inbuilt batteries could make AR/VR headsets lighter and more comfortable to wear, improving user experience significantly.

5. Healthcare

In the healthcare sector, wireless charging technology could lead to a revolution. Wearable health monitors could be powered continuously, improving the accuracy of health data collected. In-hospital equipment could operate without wired constraints, promoting easier mobility and reducing trip hazards in busy hospital environments. Moreover, it opens up possibilities for charging implanted medical devices, such as pacemakers, eliminating the need for surgical battery replacements and improving patient comfort. In the broader healthcare environment, the reduction of power cords would not only decrease tripping hazards but also make cleaning easier, promoting a safer and more hygienic environment.

6. Space Exploration

For space exploration, wireless charging may be one of the most important enablers. Rovers or drones exploring other planets could be remotely charged, significantly extending their operational duration and range. Not being bound by battery life could enable these devices to undertake longer and more complex missions, exploring previously unreachable territories. This could significantly boost our understanding of the universe, opening up new frontiers in space exploration. Also, it would enable more advanced scientific instruments to be used in space missions, as the power limitations would be drastically reduced.

7. Internet of Things (IoT)

The IoT sector, a rapidly expanding ecosystem of interconnected devices, stands to gain enormously from wireless charging. With this technology, devices like environmental sensors, security cameras, and tracking devices could operate continuously, enhancing their efficiency and reliability. This would significantly expand the potential applications for IoT technology, from agricultural sensors continuously monitoring and transmitting soil and weather conditions, to logistics companies using tracking devices without worrying about battery life. Furthermore, this technology would contribute to sustainability by reducing the need for disposable batteries, thus decreasing electronic waste.

8. Smart Cities

Wireless charging technology could be the backbone of power management in smart cities. Sensors and devices that control traffic, monitor environmental conditions, or manage public lighting could operate more efficiently, leading to improved city management. Traffic light sensors, for example, could operate continuously, optimizing traffic flow and reducing congestion. Wireless charging could also enable the proliferation of public digital signage, from information boards to digital bus stop schedules, that could be updated in real time. By ensuring an uninterrupted power supply, wireless charging could make cities smarter, cleaner, and more responsive to citizens’ needs.


In conclusion, wireless charging technology, particularly with long-range capabilities like those developed by Wi-Charge, has the potential to disrupt various industries, enabling new economies and opening up exciting new spaces. It offers the prospect of an always-powered world, free from the constraints of cables and battery lifetimes, enabling innovation and growth across the board, and may be one of the key technologies needed in the years to come that hyped industries will drastically rely on.

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