Most people are only vaguely familiar with the biases and problems inherent in Google and its search functionalities, let alone AI. Might it be that having a new ‘version’ of search will be so shocking or overwhelming to the average person that the consequences of these biases will be too much to wrap our heads around before it’s too late?
00:00:32 – Podcast Starts
00:03:04 – Search 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
00:05:06 – AI Bias in traditional searches
00:08:29 – Search 4.0 – Generative AI searches
00:09:56 – Biases in Generative AI’s
00:12:57 – Impacts of Bias in Generative AI
00:15:53 – Smaller impacts of Generative AI’s
00:17:49 – Conclusion
00:20:05 – End