Cybersecurity in the Age of AI

Guest: Steve Orrin of Intel
Episode #144
Duration: 1:02:48 Mins
Release Date: 28/05/2024

This episode delves into the evolving impact of AI on cybersecurity, exploring its implications and advancements in both private and public sectors.

About the Episode:

This episode explores AI’s growing impact on various industries, businesses, and everyday life. With the ongoing hype around AI, marked by new releases, tools, and updates like OpenAI’s GPT-4, the relevance of this topic continues to increase as AI usage expands. However, this growth also brings heightened security concerns. Just as previous digital technologies like computers and the internet expanded the ‘surface area’ for attacks, AI is similarly increasing the number of potential targets for attackers while also enhancing the capabilities of security experts.

Cybersecurity is becoming an increasingly critical issue in the rapidly evolving technological landscape. This episode features Steve Orrin, Intel’s Federal CTO, discussing cybersecurity in the context of AI advancements. The discussion covers how cybersecurity has evolved, the role of AI in both private and public sectors, the transformation of cybersecurity work through AI applications, the future of cybersecurity and AI, and Intel’s involvement in this field.

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About the Guest:

Steve Orrin advises federal agencies, the Department of Defense, and the Intelligence Community on all facets of technology. Steve is a cybersecurity expert and has influenced the evolution of the company’s cybersecurity strategy. He has led security initiatives within multiple product groups, including security reviews, the examination of emerging threats, and company-wide training on security awareness
Steve was previously CSO for Sarvega, CTO of Sanctum, CTO and co-founder of LockStar, and CTO at SynData Technologies.


00:01:07 – Episode Commences
00:04:48 – Steve’s Journey in cyber security and innovation
00:09:00 – Cyber security threats and critical infrastructure
00:14:20 – Understanding the role of a Federal CTO
00:18:50 – Scaling Healthcare Challenges and Solutions
00:22:56 – A.I.’s role in Cyber security Discussion
00:34:24 – Preventing & handling Deep Fake attacks in organizations
00:39:40 – A.I.’s impact on Jobs & Cyber security
00:45:42 – A.I. and Cyber security: Intel’s approach discussed
00:52:00 – Govt. Tech adoption & security
00:57:55 – Cyber security future & risk management strategies
01:00:48 – Episode Concludes


#cybersecurity #intel #futuretech #podcast #hackers

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