Today’s topic is something that I think most of us have only ever come across in science fiction media. Animal-Human Chimeras. I still remember the first time I saw a headline of these chimeras back in 2017, where some were created in a lab in China, and I immediately thought it had to be a joke, but with curiosity getting the better of me, I read a few sentences and stopped short being in a bit of a state of disbelief and shock. I’m sure the same questions of ethical complications, practical applications, and ‘has science gone too far?’ came floating through your mind as they did with me. Since that initial article though I’ve become more familiar with the topic, and therefore more curious about the usefulness of doing such strange and amazing work. And today I’m lucky enough to have a guest who not only dives into the possible applications of the science, but clearly lays out the many myriad issues related to creating such creatures.
About The Guest
Henry Greely, (Hank) specializes in the ethical, legal, and social implications of new biomedical technologies, particularly those related to genetics, assisted reproduction, neuroscience, or stem cell research.
He chairs the steering committee for the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics and directs both the law school’s Center for Law and the Biosciences and the Stanford Program in Neuroscience and Society. He is a professor (by courtesy) of genetics at Stanford School of Medicine, is the author of two books on related subjects and has numerous other accomplishments and relevant positions related to bioethics and emerging technologies.
Needless to say, Hank was more than informative on this fascinating topic, and I couldn’t have asked for a guest to paint a more comprehensive picture of the science, technology, impacts, and future of chimeras. Anyone who is hearing about Animal-Human Chimeras for the first time should hopefully by the end of the episode feel a mix of being amazed, terrified, informed and perhaps as one of my favourite professors used to say, “be confused at a higher level.”
00:03:30 – Interview Begins. What is a Chimera?
00:05:14 – Hank’s First Encounter with Chimeras (Around the year 2000)
00:09:08 – Why make early Mice Chimeras?
00:10:44 – History of Chimera creation
00:12:29 – Do human / non-human Chimeras exist today?
00:18:02 – The technologies that enable the creation of chimeras
00:20:20 – Potential Genetic Manipulations
00:23:32 – When will Chimera creation be successful
00:24:48 – Alternatives to using Chimeras
00:28:42 – What are the applications of created chimeras?
00:42:32 – Ethical Issues with Chimeras
00:52:55 – Will the power of technology shift our ethical standards?
00:58:24 – Final Thoughts
00:59:33 – Where does the term chimera come from?
01:02:10 -Hanks Contact Info and Interview End
Sources & Links:
Hank’s Full Profile:
Hank’s Twitter:
Hank’s e-mail:
Correction on the 3D printing organ company’s name:
First mention of a chimera: